....I think something is out to get me. I really do. I was just typing up a post about how I hadn't been around here much, and how I have a ton of art to show off when BAM! My post dissappeared!!!!
Well. I guess it was less dramatic than that. I accidentally hit the back button and, well, you know how that goes. But it's easier for me to blame it on mysterious forces than to recognize that I'm a silly.
Anyway, I have some art to show off that I'm just dying to put on here! I don't really know why I haven't been posting my art (that's slackerese for "I'm totally lazy and would rather be goofing off"), but at any rate, I have a few pieces that need to be shown to the world!
So let's get down to business, yo. I colored my IF picture for the word "fleeting", and I'm rather happy with the colors (though the skin could have had more contrast. Ah well!). I never did get around to posting it to IF, but then again, I've been very busy being lazy.
And she's still nude, of course.
Oh yeah, in case you hadn't noticed, there's two pictures there. I really like the sketch and the colored version as two separate pieces, and I thought I'd show them side by side. They just seem to have very different feels to them, and it's always fun to see a work in progress, yeah?
Alright, the next piece is a naked man. Just... a guy that's nude. Chad mentioned that I hadn't drawn any men in a while, and after thinking back and realizing that, yes, it has been like a year or more, I decided that I should probably start with the basics. So after searching around DeviantArt for naked man models, and blushing a bit along the way, I decided on a model and just drew him. It was fun. I feel like I learned a lot, too. Like that I usually draw men as skinny women.
You can look at the
reference photo and then
my drawing . Or you can look at my drawing first, whichever. But I decided that I wouldn't post that one in plain sight, in case there are any heterosexual guys looking through my blog. I don't want to frighten them off with questions about their sexuality. Guys can be like that, you know.
And! One more picture, and I'm pretty happy with this one. I decided that it was time to create myself a deviantID, which is a little picture you can have on your DeviantArt profile page that... I dunno, is you? Most people don't actually have pictures of themselves, though. So I decided to break the mold and actually draw me!
Except it's a much cuter version of me, but nevertheless 99% pure Julie.
I cheated a bit by taking a picture then tracing the lines for the table, chair and lamp, as well as getting a skeleton down before drawing the rest of the girl. But I really feel that, by imitating real life, I'm learning a lot about how to represent it better. I don't want to have a really realistic style, but I don't want my anatomy to look off and wrong, either. So I'm trying to reeducate myself on the basics so I can incorporate it into my style. Plus, I've always thought that people need to practice drawing realistic anatomy before moving their style to something less realistic. Otherwise, you start creating your own anatomy in your head, and it looks so right to you that you don't understand when someone tells you that it's wrong.
Anyway, I hope this is the beginning of a lot more art!