Everyday Magic
12:14 PM on Thursday, August 6. 2009

Totally addicted

Ok, this Ebay addiction has got to stop. It's one thing to want to stock up on supplies for a new hobby, but a totally different thing to make it your pastime to find great deals on said stuff! It would be different if I were planning on reselling this stuff once I got it; then I could just say I was doing my job. Although, honestly, I have thought about selling off part of what I buy, because, I mean... what am I going to do with 400 gold leaf bead caps? I could probably use half of that if I tried. But if I sold some of it cheap, I would be giving the buyers a deal and making up for spending like a maniac.

So no more Ebay. No more searching Etsy for supplies, either. And unless I start selling my earrings, I'm never buying anything earring related again.


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