Everyday Magic
7:58 PM on Tuesday, August 4. 2009

Growing pains

I finally remember why I decided to stop working on Etsy so much last year. After a couple of months of crocheting and spending a lot of time online, my wrists were almost to the point of no return. And after just a couple of weeks this time around, I'm already starting to feel the burn.

I don't really understand this. I mean, I have my suspicions. I feel like doing the same repeated motions all the time (for instance, my left arm seems to always be in the same position, no matter what I'm doing) is what the real problem here is, and if I could just find a different way to do things, or perhaps spend more time doing activities that put my arms and hands in a different position, I would greatly improve. But I don't know what to do or how to do it. A also feel like building up the muscles in my arms and shoulders would be a great help, similar to the way strengthening your back helps with back pain. Lord knows I have noodle arms.

I really wish I could go to a doctor and get some advice. There are two problems there, though. The first being that we have no insurance and not much disposable income, and the second being that a normal doctor will probably try to give me a pain pill or have me do surgery rather than help me fix my habits and stop the problem at its root. I hate covering up symptoms. Why bother fixing my wrists if I'm just going to go and ruin them again? I'm really afraid for myself, because it seems like the problem is more persistent these days. I can't play on my computer long before my hands and arms start to hurt. Am I doing permanent damage?

But there are my fears for the day, and now that they're out of my system, I'm off to be lazy a while.

Chicken Scratch


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  1. Jennifer Rose says:

    you could be doing a lot of damage to your wrists :/ if you can get a brace that might help. sounds like carpal tunnel or it could be arthritis :/ no matter what it sucks. hopefully you can afford a doctor soon

  2. Littlesapphire says:

    Yeah, it does suck. But I'm trying to alter my habits and strengthen my muscles, and for today at least it seems to be helping. Let's hope I can stick with it!

  3. Manu says:

    Did you consider the computer might be the problem, not (or not only) knitting?

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