Everyday Magic
2:03 PM on Friday, July 31. 2009

Mighty Big!

I have this weird fascination with anything big or extra small. Any time I see something that's super tiny (like doll houses), I just have to squeal with delight and finger the delicate little item. Likewise, I'm not sure why, but I really love things that are abnormally huge. I'm thinking it's because it makes me feel small in comparison.

This might explain why, as a heavy-set 5'8" girl, I always wanted to marry a super tall guy. Luckily that worked out in my favor.

So within the last week, I've seen and taken pictures of two very large things. I don't know about you, but they really make me smile.

Ok, so this first picture is of a HUGE oak tree. It just so happens that we live like 15 minutes away from Pennsylvania's largest recorded oak tree, and it is indeed a very big tree! Ok, so oaks don't grow as large as some trees, but it was still big. It would take four very long armed people (or five normal people) to wrap their arms around this guy. The cool thing about the tree is that it's right in the middle of an old cemetery, out in the middle of nowhere. I would have never known it was there if one of the locals hadn't said something about it.

The next picture is a rather blush-inducing banana. Call me crazy, but when I saw this bunch of huge, thick, long bananas in the store, I had to buy them. They were hilarious looking! They were all really long, but one in particular was especially big. So before it got eaten (which had to be soon, because it was so big that it fell off its stem), I took a picture of it next to a ruler. 10 or 11 inches might not seem big unless you know that a normal banana is about 6 or 7 inches.

I wish I had taken a picture of it in someone's hands. It's hard to tell that it's a monster in that picture. Chad ended up eating it, which is a good thing because I don't think I would have been able to.

Ok, so in other news, I want to start posting a link to an awesome Etsy shop every time I post, at the bottom of my entry. I think it's a fun idea, and plus it helps me connect with other Etsians. I have trouble doing that, and I thought this might help.

Valerie's Sparkles by Design


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