Everyday Magic
1:07 PM on Saturday, August 1. 2009


I sold my first Etsy item in months! I have a little sale going on, and I guess that drew someone in to my shop. It wasn't a big sale, but at least it let me know that I'm not a total failure.

In other news, Chad and I are going to Presque Isle state park today to go swimming in Lake Erie. I'm so excited! I haven't been swimming in the lake in years. I'm surprised I convinced Chad to go at all. He's not nicknamed Cat for nothing, after all. But like I said, I'm excited.

I'm also pretty happy about the trip because we'll be stopping at Michael's arts and crafts. You can only find so much craft and art supplies around here. Walmart and Joann's only carries the most common stuff, and only a small variety of that. I like shopping online, but it kills me to have to pay more for shipping than I paid for the item. I could solve that by buying $100 worth of craft supplies, but that seems to be over doing it a little.

Anyway, Chad's off helping his dad with something for the morning, so I'm going back to lazing around until about noon. Enjoy your day!

Merlin The Cat Yarns


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  1. Cortney says:

    Thank you for linking me! You know where I like to shop online... http://www.craftsetc.com/ they have free shipping on orders over $25!

  2. Littlesapphire says:

    Oh, hey! That sounds like a pretty good idea. Thanks Cortney!

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