Everyday Magic
5:38 PM on Wednesday, July 29. 2009


Have you ever tried to do something and found out later that you weren't really going in the right direction? Or could you not keep yourself on the path you set up for yourself?

Yeah? Then you're in good company; I am, after all, the queen of derailed ideas and misplaced paths.

So do you want to know what's on the game plan today? Well, I'm trying to work on my Etsy shop again, this time with some new items...maybe. We'll see how that goes. I like working on my crocheted stuff, but if I want to compete with others on Etsy, I end up making about $3 an hour. I'd rather work in retail!

Well, probably not. But you know what I mean! So I'm trying to do some jewelry, which is less labor intensive, and finally get my aprons up in the shop. Also, I've been thinking about my art. Isn't the point for me to sell and make a profit off my art? But no one wants to buy art prints right now, especially fantastical ones like I make. So.... Why not note cards, or post cards, or something fun like that? I'm actually pretty excited about it. The only problem is that I'm almost out of ink, so I'll have to wait on that. Or try selling hand crafted cards.

But I think I'm going to add my blog to my daily to-do list, so it's right there in my face all the time. That may help me to remember. Maybe. If you're lucky, punk.

But before I go, here's some cool Etsy shops to check out!

LUCKXURY luck and fashion jewelry

Grandma's Jewerly


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  1. grandmasjewelry777 says:

    Love this Thanks so much GMJ

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