Everyday Magic
11:06 PM on Wednesday, April 29. 2009


Have you ever had one of those moments where you thought you couldn't get any stupider? And then you proved yourself wrong? Well, let me introduce you to my stupid.

I was drawing a lovely dragon today:

Got the pencil sketch down, laid the ink lines really neatly, was having a great time and enjoying myself. Well, as much as I can when I'm doing art. I've noticed I get really anxious when I'm doing art. Fidgety. I just can't keep still long. Anyway, I started putting the masking fluid down (that's the orange stuff). Once I finished that and was working on closing the jar up and cleaning the brush out, I noticed the lid had a huge glob of solid masking rubber on it and decided to peel it off.

I don't know the exacts of what happened next, but I do know that the lid went zipping out of my hand and landed on the floor. I angrily put the jar of fluid down on the desk and went down to fetch the annoying lid, and when I got back up, I noticed, to my horror, a HUGE puddle of fluid on the one corner of my piece. It was practically a lake. Annoyed but not discouraged, I knew that if I just spread it around a little and let it dry, I could just peel it off.

Unfortunately for me, I forgot that I'm impatient. I also forgot that masking fluid is wet. And, on top of all that, I forgot that wet paper is prone to tearing. So even though the corner had bubbled up despite being taped down, which I knew to mean that it was still damp, I peeled the masking fluid away. Along with the top layer of paper. Luckily I'm using Bristol board so it didn't tear the entire thing away, but nevertheless.


So I don't really know what I'll do. It wouldn't be a problem if I was using colored pencils alone, except I had planned on making the background a watercolor wash of some sort. The finished surface absorbs the color differently from a torn surface, so that'll just look crazy. So maybe what I'll do is cut a piece of Bristol board and glue it down over the damaged part...

No one will notice, right?


    Some more promised art!
    So a while back, I was complaining about how I had ruined a piece of art in the making, and had asked how I could possibly fix it. In the end, I decided it would be easiest and probably most fun to simply scan the picture and color it digitally. And I'm
    Weblog: Everyday Magic
    Tracked: Aug 05, 17:55


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  1. Jennifer Rose says:

    thats too bad :-( it looks like a cute drawing :-) i would try to maybe see what it looks like with that part trimmed off as no matter what you do to it, the colour difference is going to show up

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