1:10 AM on Friday, September 25. 2009
Secrets of the Humble Leaf
Leaves are a mysterious and beautiful lesson on life. You don't believe me? Perhaps you should pay a little more attention.
Leaves start their lives as bright, supple, perfect creations of nature. They have no flaws to be seen; they're a lovely reminder of God's talents. A new leaf is like a little gem of happiness, a gift from our Sacred Mother to show us that all life is precious.
But as the summer wears on, the leaves become hardened. They lose that brightness that made them so special. They're no longer soft and smooth to the touch. Also, by then, little critters have begun chewing on them, fungi take hold of them, and dust hangs around them like a cloak. But they're hard working leaves, taking in all the sunlight that the mighty tree needs to survive, and so I'm sure they're happy.
Summer fades into fall, and the leaves become their most beautiful. It's not just that the leaves turn colors and become lovely; the truth is that the colors were there all along, but the green chlorophyll of youth was masking the deep and stunning gem tones of the leaves' final days. And how amazing it is to finally have those secrets revealed, even though the leaf itself is chewed on, leathery and torn. In those moments we see that its the shades of the heart that matter instead of the shape of the body.
Isn't it funny how much the life of a leave mirrors our own. A lot of things like that can teach us important lessons about life if we just pay attention. I realized recently that I haven't been paying much attention lately, and it made me pretty sad.
Leaves start their lives as bright, supple, perfect creations of nature. They have no flaws to be seen; they're a lovely reminder of God's talents. A new leaf is like a little gem of happiness, a gift from our Sacred Mother to show us that all life is precious.
But as the summer wears on, the leaves become hardened. They lose that brightness that made them so special. They're no longer soft and smooth to the touch. Also, by then, little critters have begun chewing on them, fungi take hold of them, and dust hangs around them like a cloak. But they're hard working leaves, taking in all the sunlight that the mighty tree needs to survive, and so I'm sure they're happy.
Summer fades into fall, and the leaves become their most beautiful. It's not just that the leaves turn colors and become lovely; the truth is that the colors were there all along, but the green chlorophyll of youth was masking the deep and stunning gem tones of the leaves' final days. And how amazing it is to finally have those secrets revealed, even though the leaf itself is chewed on, leathery and torn. In those moments we see that its the shades of the heart that matter instead of the shape of the body.
Isn't it funny how much the life of a leave mirrors our own. A lot of things like that can teach us important lessons about life if we just pay attention. I realized recently that I haven't been paying much attention lately, and it made me pretty sad.