Xandella Forest

"You sit here in the forest of the Xandella," you hear Randolf whisper inside your head after you ask him where you are. "For a very long time, we Xandella have been watching the human world from within our shadowed woods, waiting. Once, long ago, we lived side by side with humans. We were their friends and their familiars, helping them with their daily magic. Life was peaceful and calm, and we were all very happy.

"But then, something changed all that and stole away our peace. Evil men came. They found us and wanted to steal our magic. They started to kill us. They used our pelts for their magic capes, our bones for their magic staves. Soon, even the ones that loved us were killing us, and we had no choice but to flee into a solitary world." You look down into his shiny eyes and wonder what kind of horrors this poor creature has seen. For several moments, the both of you simply sit in deep thought, almost unaware of each others presence. The silence is finally broken by the soft, happy chirping from Randolf. Surprised, you look back at him as he raises himself to his full height and stares down at you.

"We are ready," he says to you, "To rejoin the humans. We know that those that enter these Gardens are kind and gentle souls, and we have missed our human friends. We have missed the peace of quiet, everyday lives in warm, happy homes, and we are ready to share our magic once again with the humans. If you would like to know more about our kind and how to become our friend, there is much information for you to read."

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