Everyday Magic
4:22 PM on Tuesday, October 14. 2008

Pixels make me happy

There really isn't anything like pixel art. The closest thing is counted cross-stitch, but that takes about 50 times longer to do. And I'm way too impatient for that. Pixel art is just so relaxing.

I'm still slowly working on my cyberpet website, though not nearly as much as I used to. I have about 20 creatures I need to finish before I can open a new section, and I figure at this rate it'll take me the rest of the year. But it's fun. I did this cute little dragon yesterday:

He's not the most impressive piece of pixel art I've ever done, but I enjoyed it, and I know my cyberpet friends will as well.

Oh, but I've been having so much wrist pain lately that I know I shouldn't do any more for a while. Or any crafts, for that matter. It's even hard to be on my computer for any length of time. I'm not sure why I'm in so much pain, though, except maybe I haven't given myself enough time to fully heal. So maybe I'll take a couple of days and just goof off. The problem with that is that I don't know what to do when I'm trying to give my wrists a rest. I mean, you use your hands for almost everything. The only thing that makes my wrists feel better is walking, and I can't exactly do that for three days.

Ah well, I'm sure I'll think of something.


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  1. Jennifer Rose says:

    I am always amazed at people who can do pixel art. This looks great :-)

    Hope your wrists feel better soon!

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