Everyday Magic
12:40 PM on Wednesday, September 17. 2008

Mighty Little Dragons

I have a secret love of felt. Not like the special handmade, hand dyed wool felt that someone spent hours making. Nope. My secret love is with the cheap acrylic/nylon/polyester felt that you can get at Walmart for 15 cents a sheet (which is, by the way, made of 100% recycled bottles, so I feel kind of nice about that). It just has so much potential, and it's so easy to work with, but most people totally ignore it. What do people actually make with felt anymore, honestly? The cheap kind of felt. Not much that I know of. I know wool felting is coming back into style, but I haven't seen anything made out of the cheap stuff lately.

So a week or more ago, I bought a huge stack of the stuff, getting every color they offered. There's something really satisfying about having a stock of crafting supplies, so that I can open a drawer and get what I need rather than going out to the store (which means my projects are also cheaper for me in the end, since prices go up over time). I actually got all that felt for fall and Halloween decorations, but as soon as I got it home, I knew what I wanted it for.

I made these cute little dragon dolls. They're full of wires so that they're perfectly posable, and really adorable. The blue one I kept for myself, but the green one was made for a friend's birthday and has already left my home. The blue dragon is feeling a bit lonely now.

I just can't wait to make more of them.


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  1. Jennifer Rose says:

    those are very cute! :-D

  2. Jewel says:

    Thank you very much!

  3. Recycled Ideas says:

    Those dragons are AMAZING!

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