Everyday Magic
12:14 AM on Tuesday, September 9. 2008

The Amazing Waiting Game

It's rather amazing, this blogging thing. You start out as a nobody. No one knows you, cares about you, and probably wouldn't give a fly's rear end if you dropped off the face of the earth. It really makes you feel like it's not worth doing, because you're obviously going no where. And it's like being in high school again. There are cliques, and if you're new in town, you find it really nearly impossible to break through the tough shell of the group to become one of them. So you either give up or sit with the geeks.

But then an amazing thing starts to happen (well, if you're writing about anything worth reading). As you write more, you get a few readers here and there. Not enough for you to really pay attention, mind you. Just a couple. Then you pick up some more along the way, that you again promptly forget about. All of this is happening so gradually that you don't even notice that it's happened.

And I, being as silly as I am, gave my blog up for crap because "no one" was paying attention to it. But they were, and I was too silly to see it. I was especially silly for giving up on it only after a couple of months. Most people will tell you it can take years for a blog to take off, and I had readers after only a couple of months. That's pretty good stuff.

So there's my advice to you. With art and blogging, you have to be patient, and all the while continue to spread the word about yourself. It takes time to draw in people, but once you get that initial flow going, the blog and your readers advertise for you and you no longer have to be a slave to it.

Chin up.


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