Everyday Magic
1:30 AM on Tuesday, August 26. 2008

Pink Bag of Death

But only because it's so bright and cute. I just loved making this bag! This is actually my second attempt at this pattern, but the last time I made it, I followed the instructions exactly. I used cotton yarn and made both the bag and the handle longer. Well, when I actually went to use the bag, it stretched so far that it was like three feet long when I was holding it with stuff in it. That wouldn't do.

So I shortened it a bit and tried using acrylic yarn, and of course I had to make it cute in the process :-D It's currently for sale at my Etsy Shop, if anyone's interested.


    Plastic bags + Crochet = Plochet?
    So I discovered "plarn" about a week ago, and was instantly interested. I mean, there's all these plastic bags laying around with no real use other than taking up space and using as a garbage bag for the bathroom trash basket. We were just recycling the
    Weblog: Everyday Magic
    Tracked: Sep 24, 00:54


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