Everyday Magic
12:54 PM on Monday, June 30. 2008

Find Your Niche

Another piece of obvious advice? Find your niche. Yes, that's the most obvious thing I could probably tell artists, but, you know, it's surprising how often people happily try to be Jacks of all trade and wonder why they're failing to find a place for themselves in the art world.

Of course, I'm the biggest offender of this little piece of advice. My art styles and interests always seem to be floating out in space somewhere, mostly because I don't like pinning myself down to anything in particular. Mostly because I get bored of certain types of art after a while and need something else to take its place. But I wholeheartedly agree with myself here, especially since I know I've mentioned it before; find something that pleases you and then go out and find the community that corresponds to said something.

For instance, I've decided that I really love drawing carefree fantasy type illustrations. The best niche for me, that I've found so far? Childrens' book illustration. Not only is there a lot of places for me to make a profit doing this work, but there are a load of other people doing the same thing who could give me advice and generally be helpful and friendly. If I was just floating around without any direction, I'd be pretty lonely and pretty broke.

And that's all. I hope it wasn't too obvious.


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