Everyday Magic
10:04 PM on Monday, June 16. 2008

Give Away!

Now I don't know if I even have any readers, but I thought it would be unfair for any of you who might be out there reading this to be left out of my give away. I decided, on a whim, to give away a very nice 8x10 print of my "Water Wings" picture:

I'm going to collect names until the end of the month, and then draw one out of a hat and send the winner my lovely picture! So if you're interested, just comment on this post and I'll put you in the drawing!


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  1. Jennifer Rose says:

    very nice print :-) love all the colours

  2. Ronni, Designing Fairy says:

    Lovely, lovely art, fellow fairy person. :-) Thanks for stopping by at my blog and joining my hood. Count me in for the drawing. This is gorgeous!

  3. Mariana says:

    Lovely piece, so sweet!

  4. candace trew camling says:

    I would LOVE to own this! It's beautiful. Thought I must say I think this is my first time at your blog! You are very talented, I can't wait to look around a bit more...but I also can't resist a giveaway...especially if its something this awesome!

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