Everyday Magic
12:20 PM on Thursday, June 5. 2008

What's the Frequency?

Along with being consistent to draw in fans/readers/buyers, I have also decided, upon closer inspection of some popular DA artists and art bloggers, that frequency is very important. And if you think about it, it does make a lot of sense. The more art/posts you have, the more material you have out there for people to find you with.

Also, people get bored pretty quickly. If you don't churn out stuff enough, they're going to lose interest and move on to something else.

Now, if I could just take my own advice... It's not like I don't do a lot of art or think up a lot of interesting blog posts. My problem is that I'm too lazy or busy to actually do anything with them. I have at least five pieces of really nice art that has yet to hit a gallery. Maybe I'll work on that today.


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  1. SD says:

    When I get ideas, I generally put titles in and save them as drafts. Then I draft a bunch of posts at once when I'm in the mood and finalize them and post them. This isn't a foolproof system, as sometimes the titles sit around for years (literally) before I get around to drafting and finishing. I'm working on that though, so hopefully this system will result in somewhat frequent and regular posting.

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