Everyday Magic
6:27 PM on Monday, June 16. 2008


I, in my boredom, decided to offer my services to anyone wanting a trade or commission, and was asked by a new friend, Tonibelle, to draw her character! I haven't done a furry in quite a while, so it was refreshing. And it was fun adding wings and a pretty dress to a character that wouldn't normally have them.

Click for larger view

Size: 9x12
Media: Prismacolor pencils, markers and archival markers, and gel pen
Status: Not For Sale
4:12 PM on Friday, June 13. 2008

Water Wings

Inspired to try more with watercolors (like I was ranting about a couple days ago), I was really excited to do this piece. The wings came first; I just knew that they'd have to be something really dazzling and wonderful, so I laid down some colors with the watercolors. And despite being totally worried about the paper wrinkling, it's almost perfectly flat. Being smart, I taped the piece down first :3

I'm really just thoroughly happy with this piece.

Click for larger view

Size: 9x12
Media: Prismacolor pencils, markers and archival markers, watercolors and gel pen
Status: Not For Sale
10:32 PM on Tuesday, June 10. 2008

Earth Magic

I decided that having characters to play with is always fun, so I revived one of my oldest characters and added some spice to her. I think it looks really great.

She's just doing a little earth magic, that's all.

Click for larger view

Size: 9x12
Media: Prismacolor pencils and markers
Status: For Sale
12:30 PM on Friday, June 6. 2008

Rainbow Bright

I just wanted to try something rainbowy and fun, and this cute dragon is what resulted from that. I wanted to do something vaguely oriental style, but on the other hand, I wanted it to be cutesy, too. So here we have a cutesy oriental dragon.

Click for larger view

Size: 9x12
Media: Prismacolor pencils and markers
Status: Not For Sale

1:15 PM on Thursday, June 5. 2008


I ended up with some very small pieces of paper after cutting up my marker paper for my ACEOs. They were about 1.5x2 inches, and I just couldn't resist the urge to want to create something with these little things. This is the first piece that resulted from that experiment.

It's amazingly hard, on the one hand, to create something so small. And yet, the restrictiveness, in a way, set me free to express what I was feeling, rather than having to focus on details. I think I'll continue to make small pieces like this.

Size: 1.5x2
Media: Prismacolor pencils and markers
Status: For Sale
12:42 PM on Sunday, June 1. 2008

Pink Orchid

Smooth and simple, this piece just moves me. I had lots of fun tinkering with the colors to create something very realistic, and I think I pulled off the texture and form very well.

This was done with my new sets of 120 pencils and 72 prismacolor markers, and as soon as Cat gets back from camping this weekend, I'll take pictures of them and tell you how much I adore them.

Click for larger view

Size: 9x12
Media: Prismacolor pencils and markers
Status: Not For Sale
1:09 AM on Wednesday, February 20. 2008

Pixel Artists are Weird.

I finished my pixel princess yesterday. I'm happy with her, but perplexed and maybe a little annoyed with the pixel art community in general. But before I get into that, here she is:

Isn't she nice? Very dreamy. I'd love to be more proud of myself, but it's kind of hard when people are telling you that this and that are wrong, and totally trying to beat your brain in with some new ideas.

Now, I'm no young chick. Well, ok, I'm young, but what I'm trying to get at is that I've been on the pixel scene forever. My first piece of pixel art was done about eight years ago. Eight years!! Back then, most of these other pixel artists weren't even into the double digits!! I'm freakin' ancient!!! So it drives me totally up a WALL when these young whipper snappers tell me that there's this new rule in pixel art. Let me explain.

Ok. Pixel art is dealing with pixels, which means appreciating the pixels. Which means being able to see them. I know, you're probably not following me at all. When working with digital images, you get to know what AA means. That's Anti-aliasing for you nontechies out there, and in case you don't know what that means, it's basically a smoothing out of curved lines in images.

So what does that have to do with pixel art, you might ask? I would love to tell you absolutely nothing, because pixel art is about the pixels and SEEING the pixels! But I guess I'm wrong. Pixel artists have begun anti-aliasing their pieces like crazy so that you can no longer see the pixels. Let me show you an example. Take a look at this piece by Bisque at PixelJoint.

It's beautiful, isn't it? I love this piece, but can you see the pixels? No, for the most part, you can't. If it wasn't for the pixely clouds, I would say that it's possible this piece wasn't even pixel art at all. But it is. I won't make that accusation.

I'm ranting without rhyme or reason. But stick with me; I'm getting there.

Ok, so I start the pixel princess and take her over to the Work in Progress forums at PixelJoint, telling everyone that she's almost done (the image I posted on the forum is the one in the post before this one) and that all I really want to know is if she needs wings or whatnot. Almost the first comment I got was that she "really really needs AA," and my jaw drops. It's such a small piece. Why does she need to blend in? I want her to POP! I want you to SEE the details!! The pixels I laid down one at a time!!! I don't want everything to just fade into everything else.

But I crack and AA her. Because I'm in a community of pixel artists that don't want the pixels to show. And it baffles me. And saddens me.
5:48 PM on Friday, February 15. 2008

Pixel Fixation

Ok, I'll admit it. I've been avoiding this blog. Again. But this time, I have at least a partially valid reason. And the reason is... Pixel art!

Yeah, ok, that's not exactly the best excuse in the world. The truth is that I've been doing a lot of pixel art for the last month or so, and I just don't consider pixel art "fine art". It's not something I would show off to prospective clients or other artists, unless they knew a little about pixels or were looking for that specifically. My problem is that I do so many kinds of art that I fit in with any group, and therefore I don't really fit in too well at all.

At any rate, here are the pieces I've made in the last, well... whatever. I'm thinking it's a month.

This piece was done for a contest at PixelJoint. It won second place there, and then over at DA, it got a Daily Deviation, which is like a daily spotlight, which is pretty hard to get. I'm really happy with it.

Just a random belly dancer. She was fun to do.

I'd been kind of working on this guy for about a year. Finally, I took it to the work in progress forum at PixelJoint and got a lot of good tips on how to finish him.

Another contest at PixelJoint. We were supposed to take a random collection of color blobs and make a piece out of it. I just happened to see a demon wolf.

There are other pieces I've been working on, too. For instance, I found a guy needing some art for his freeware game he's about to release, but no one would take the job. Well, a little palm greasing later, and I happily joined his team. I'm really enjoying working for him. Not only is he funny, but his project is really different than anything I would do, and therefore new and exciting.

The only problem with pixel art is that it hurts my wrists worse than anything else, really. But I love it! I would do this for a living if I could, you know, get people to buy my stuff and make it painless. Maybe hook up a morphine iv drop next my desk... hmm...
1:30 PM on Monday, June 11. 2007

Long Day's Walk

He's got a long way to walk, still. I'm rather fond of this piece, if only because the texture of the road and the color of the grass turned out so delicious.

Copyright 2007 Julie Crowley

Size: 3.5x2.5
Media: Prismacolored pencils and markers
Status: For Sale
9:49 PM on Wednesday, June 6. 2007

Travel Buddies

The beginning of a journey and the meeting of two friends. I really meant for this to be an under water scene, with the big dragon being a sea dragon instead, but i'm not so great with those yet. And I don't have enough blues, I don't think.

Copyright 2007 Julie Crowley

Size: 3.5x2.5
Media: Prismacolored pencils and markers
Status: For Sale
12:50 AM on Wednesday, May 23. 2007

Not Art, Exactly

It's a week and a day over due, and it's not even exactly art, but here it is. This is what I have been doing with all my artistic and creative juices for the last two weeks. Well, not even that. I haven't done any of this for a few days.

Copyright 2007 Julie Crowley

Of course, these are the corsages, boutonnieres, centerpieces, bouquets, and flowergirl basket I've made for my wedding. I love doing crafts like this, so it's no wonder that I've been doing this sort of thing instead of my art. But I'm very happy with it all.

And no, they're not for sale.
12:33 AM on Tuesday, May 8. 2007

Imagination Takes You Places

Originally meant to be the back of a business card, this piece was born to represent the boundless adventure creativity and imagination can be. I rather like it, though I wish I could've put more detail in it. Especially in the field and the path.

Copyright 2007 Julie Crowley

Size: 3.5X2
Media: Prismacolored pencils and markers
Status: For Sale
3:13 PM on Monday, April 30. 2007

The Quiet of the Forest

Forests fascinate me. They're so quiet and still, and yet they're so alive and full of motion. The only answer is that the forests are full of magic. That life is its own sort of magic.

Copyright 2007 Julie Crowley

Size: 3.5x2.5
Media: Prismacolored pencils and markers
Status: Sold
1:41 AM on Monday, April 30. 2007

And the Sky Was All Ablaze

We were driving home from Buffalo one night just as the sun was setting. I drank it all in, let it sink in to my memory, and took it home to put down on paper. Of course, I didn't get it nearly as beautiful as I would have hoped, but the addition of the dragon should make it a little more interesting.

Copyright 2007 Julie Crowley

Size: 2.5x3.5
Media: Prismacolor colored pencils and markers
Status: For Sale