The Kingdom of Dolls

You pad your way forward along the age-smoothed pathway, following the way the sign had pointed you in. You find yourself very curious as to what this section of the Garden could be as you continue on, watching as dozens of colorful birds chatter and swoop by you. It occures to you that there is a slight sparkle in the air; a faintest hint of magic floating past and around you, eveloping everything in it's path. What could this be from? you wonder, continuing on.

As you round a corner in the smooth walkway, you glimpse a swirl of grey and white fur and shiney black eyes. You follow after him curiously, because this squirrel didn't seem like your everyday backyard animal. He leads you down a long beaten path in the tall grass, far away from the stone walkway you had been following. Finally, the little creature stops and looks up at you, managing to look very sly and devious. "Hello human!" he says, trying not to drop the acorn he has in his furry little paws.

"Ish very nishe to shee you," he tells you after stuffing the acorn back into his tiny little mouth, and continues scurrying forward along the grassy path. "Thish plashe ish the home of shome magnifishent creaturesh that mosht people would never notish. You shee," he says, stopping once more in front of a large, leafy oat tree, and popping the acorn back out of his little mouth, "This is the place called the Kingdom of the Dolls. People that wander by may catch glimpses of these little creatures and, not believing in magic, think they were simply seeing a child's doll." He smiles toothily up at you, pointing forward toward a little pond in the middle of a clearing. There, tiny little human-like creatures dance and frolic on the water lilies and spin through the air on the breeze.

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